Business Brain For The Creative Mind (Class)
Whaddya get?
- 3 Hour Live (or Online) Class
- Downloadable Book (PDF and animated E-Pub!)
- Professionally Edited Recap Video
- Recorded Zoom Video From April 2nd
- All Your Questions Answered in a Flurry of Coffee-Induced Joy
(Zoom link and password with purchase)
Why you need it:
- You can establish the strong building blocks for your successful business
- This isn’t a normal boring business tutorial. This is for all us creatives
- You can apply your out-of-the box thinking and find easy ways to help your company
- Because you’d love to find ways to grow your business without feeling like you have to be “good” at social media
- It’s cheap…and sliding scale. Begrudgingly, like the world’s view on the jobs we do
Who is this for:
- Artists, musicians, photographers, dancers, designers…anyone that continually gets the shaft when invoicing
- Someone starting a new company
- Someone looking to creatively grow their existing company
- Someone bored that misses me
Why both live and online?
I prefer in-person always. But, I’ve had a lot of requests for this class from folks outside of Colorado. So, I wanted to open it up for those who’d like to follow along on Zoom as well. Plus, while in-person requires everyone to be boosted, I understand that times are still a little trying. While some of us are excited to be back in the presence of others, some aren’t quite ready yet – and I respect that.